Tuesday, 23 September 2014

MircoSoft and Me!

My journey with MircoSoft started in comprehensive school in IT lessons, in the days before the 'C's' where added for ICT. They were normally very boring lessons with our IT teacher leaving us run wild, and often popping out of the room to get 'resources' knowing he was going for a cheeky Fag.

Although without lack of teaching I muddled my way through my the course and achieved a B grade, and gain a basic knowledge of MircoSofe Word and a confused double dutch understanding of Excel. 

My Computer and MircoSoft applications were then stored neatly away at the back of my mind until I returned to university at the age of 24. Being the 'old man' of the class it was a bit of a baptism of fire using my MircoSoft skills with everything I knew being out of date and being a lot slower than everyone else. I developed my skills through asking a lot of questions of my class mates and generally playing with applications in  my spare time. By the time I finished University I was confident in Word, producing all my written assignments in Word, I did many presentations in PowerPoint and I am confident inserting text, changing profiles adding designs and delivering them as a presentation. During recent work experience I have become developed my basic Excel skills and can use simple formulars. 

I currently use a MacBook Pro and use MircoSoft Word, which can be frustrating at times when writing assisgnments as the toolbar has a different layout and there is no referencing option to create a Reference List.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

PCET Social Media


I was very impressed with TodaysMeet for an interactive tool for the students, great for students who do not want to put their hand up in class and ask a question or for a large lecturer hall where communication is difficult. Useful for teachers too to gage the students learning understanding and to cover and answer and questions the students my have.

I will definitely be trying to incorporate it into my lesson's in the future and think it will be a great tool to have in the locker get student feedback.

Another example how ICT can be a great help within education for both the teacher and student.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Technology in my house!


Here's a list of technology which I have in my house, please do not pass these details on to any burglars as quite like my stuff ha!

Tv x 2
Macbook pro
Hudle 7" tablet
Mobile phone x2
Virgin Box x 2
Dvd player



My Journey to PCET

Sitting here in University after returning to education after several years in the world of business and sport. Having recently retired through injury from playing professional and semi professional rugby for the last ten years, I have time to reflect on my career and life after playing sport!!!!

Until April I was quite content in my role as a recruitment consultant, taking home a good salary and playing a high level of rugby every Saturday until the last game of the season which was insidently my 30th birthday I reptured my achilles tendon for the second time. Folowing this was an operation, 3 weeks in a cast and 16 weeks in a boot. During this time I had 12 weeks off work and really evaluated what I really wanted to do with my life. I have always had an ambition to teach and wanted to use the skills and knowledge I gain in University and a chance to inspire.

After some research I found the PCET and  it was everything I wanted to achieve and after an in depth conversation with my suppotive wife I decieded to take the plunge and return to university.

So exciting times ahead with a career change and ambition hopefully achieved and a new little addition to the family coming along in March!