Sunday, 7 December 2014

How technology has helped my learning

In school I use technology very little really even thou I passed my GCSE in IT, most my work was handwritten and taken from textbook. In my current studies this has all changed with technology being the cornerstone of my research, presentations and assignments and can't imagine learning in any other way now.

I find Moodle a great tool for learning and on there a lot, just checking out assignment briefs and PowerPoints and refreshing my memory of what we went over in class. The ability to use Moodle really helps in the classroom too as gives you the freedom to listen to the teacher and take in what there saying, instead of scribbling down loads of notes ten to the dozen.

Even social media is a great learning tool and have found our PCET Facebook page really useful, with people always sharing tips and experiences and just a place where can express any concerns you may have about assignments and anything your unsure of, with classmates quickly coming back to you to ease those concerns.

Technology I believe has really helped my learning and development and didn't think I would be back in Uni now without it, just makes research and learning more enjoyable and more accessible which is great but being as busy a a PCET student is.

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